Kun Zhang (张坤)

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Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)
School Email: kkzhang (at) ustc.edu.cn
Motto: Curiosity, Thirst for knowledge, Understanding, Creativity

About Me

Currently, I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at Suzhou Institute for Advanced Research, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), advised by Prof. S. Kevin Zhou (IEEE Fellow) and Prof. Houqiang Li (IEEE Fellow). Before that, I obtained my Ph.D. degree from the Department of Electronic Engineering and Information Science, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 2024, advised by Prof. Yongdong Zhang and Prof. Zhendong Mao. From 2018 to 2020, I studied in the Department of Automation at USTC, advised by Prof. Shuang Cong. I obtained my B. Eng. degree in the School of Internet of Things Engineering from Jiangnan University in 2018.

My research interests broadly lie in the areas of Multimodal Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning (e.g., vision-language alignment, cross-modal retrieval, report generation, retrieval augmented generation, hallucination evaluation, etc.). I am recently interested in multimodal large language models in medical scenarios.

Selected Publications [ Full List ]

Negative-Aware Attention Framework for Image-Text Matching
Kun Zhang, Zhendong Mao, Quan Wang, Yongdong Zhang.
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2022
[ PDF ] [ Code ] [ Blog ]
Unlocking the Power of Cross-Dimensional Semantic Dependency for Image-Text Matching
Kun Zhang, Lei Zhang, Bo Hu, Mengxiao Zhu, Zhendong Mao.
ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM), 2023
[ PDF ] [ Code ] [ Blog ]
Unified Adaptive Relevance Distinguishable Attention Network for Image-Text Matching
Kun Zhang, Zhendong Mao, Anan Liu, Yongdong Zhang.
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (IEEE-TMM), 2023
, (ESI Highly Cited Paper) [ PDF ] [ Blog ] [ Code ]
Enhanced Semantic Similarity Learning Framework for Image-Text Matching
Kun Zhang, Bo Hu, Huatian Zhang, Zhe Li, Zhendong Mao.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (IEEE-TCSVT) , 2024
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Identification of Necessary Semantic Undertakers in the Causal View for Image-Text Matching
Huatian Zhang, Lei Zhang, Kun Zhang, Zhendong Mao.
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) , 2024
[ PDF ]
Show Your Faith: Cross-Modal Confidence-Aware Network for Image-Text Matching
Huatian Zhang, Zhendong Mao, Kun Zhang, Yongdong Zhang.
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) , 2022
[ PDF ] [ Blog ] [ Code ]
Cascade Semantic Prompt Alignment Network for Image Captioning
Jingyu Li, Lei Zhang, Kun Zhang, Bo Hu, Hongtao Xie, Zhendong Mao.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (IEEE-TCSVT) , 2024
[ PDF ] [ Code ]
Improving Image-Text Matching with Bidirectional Consistency of Cross-Modal Alignment
Zhe Li, Lei Zhang, Kun Zhang, Yongdong Zhang, Zhendong Mao.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (IEEE-TCSVT) , 2024
[ PDF ]
Fast, Accurate, and Lightweight Memory-Enhanced Embedding Learning Framework for Image-Text Retrieval
Zhe Li, Lei Zhang, Kun Zhang, Yongdong Zhang, Zhendong Mao.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (IEEE-TCSVT) , 2024
[ PDF ]
Visual-Linguistic Dependency Encoding for Image-Text Retrieval
Wenxin Guo, Lei Zhang, Kun Zhang, Yi Liu and Zhendong Mao.
Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation Technology (COLING) , 2024
[ PDF ]
An Efficient Online Estimation Algorithm with Measurement Noise for Time-varying Quantum States
Kun Zhang, Shuang Cong, Kezhi Li.
Signal Processing (SIGPRO) , 2021
[ PDF ]
An Online Optimization Algorithm for Real-time Quantum State Tomography
Kun Zhang, Shuang Cong, Kezhi Li, Tao Wang.
Quantum Information Processing (QIP) , 2020
[ PDF ]
An Efficient Online Estimation Algorithm for Evolving Quantum States
Kun Zhang, Shuang Cong, Yaru Tang, Nikolaos M. Freris.
IEEE European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) , 2020
[ PDF ]
Efficient and fast optimization algorithms for quantum state filtering and estimation
Kun Zhang, Shuang Cong, Jiao Ding, Jiaojiao Zhang, Kezhi Li.
International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information Processing (IEEE ICICIP) , 2019
[ PDF ]


  • President Award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (中国科学院院长奖), 2024
  • National Scholarship for Doctoral Students (博士生国家奖学金), 2023
  • USTC-SZSE Doctoral Scholarship (中国科大-深交所博士奖学金), 2022
  • National Scholarship for Undergraduate Students (本科生国家奖学金), 2015
  • First-class Academic Scholarship of USTC, 2018/19/21/23
  • 1st Place of Wuxi Internet of Things Maker Competition, 2018
  • 3rd Place of China Artificial Intelligence Society Bo Er Cup Competition, 2018

Academic Activities


  • Served as reviewer for many conferences or journals, including CVPR, ICCV, AAAI, ACM MM, IEEE-TMM, IEEE-TCSVT, etc.
  • Snapping life's beautiful moments!

    Last Updated in July, 2024

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